EU projects

Development and implementation of non-technological innovations at VERO CAFE
UAB "Ex prompto" implements a project under the "Encourage the development of non-technological innovations (Central and Western Lithuania region)" activity of the progress measure "Create a consistent system for the promotion of innovative activities", the purpose of which is to create and introduce new product designs to the market and to introduce process and organizational systems in the company innovations, thereby increasing the company's export volume. During the project, 3 package design updates will be created and implemented by choosing a new color and materiality of the package, and 9 innovations will be created and implemented: 3 organizational innovations and 6 process innovations.
The project will contribute to increasing the company's awareness, exports and competitiveness.
The project is partially financed by the European Union. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project name: "VERO CAFE non-technological innovations";
Project manager: UAB "Ex prompto";
Project implementation period: 2024/11 - 2026/11;
Total project budget: EUR 363,004, of which the part funded by the European Union amounts to EUR 119,416.